Vivisoft offers comprehensive, customizable suite of end-to-end IT staffing services and managed IT solutions designed to meet your business needs.

Contact Info
1651 S Breezy Meadow Dr
Sacramento, California
+1 (442) 222 1123

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What We Do?

Vivisoft offers comprehensive, customizable suite of end-to-end IT staffing services and managed IT solutions
designed to meet your business needs.

Contract Placement

Hire skilled professionals on a temporary basis for short- or long-term assignments from our pre-vetted job candidates

Contract to Hire Placement

Contract to hire is a short-term job that will allow you to try out before committing to full-time employment. Also known as “temp to hire”.

Permanent Placement

There’s an art to finding the right person for an organization & team. We take great joy in finding ‘the one’ for any given role.

How It Works?

You’re just four steps away from hiring the best talent thru Vivisoft

1.Share Your IT Staffing Needs!

Get in touch with us thru request talent form or call us at +1 442 222 1123 or email us at

2. We Shortlist The Most Suitable Talent

we handpick the top talent to match your business needs from our pre-vetted applicants and share resumes with you

3. You Conduct The Interview

You choose the Best of Best Talent

4. Onboarding & Support

Cheers!! You have found right fit for your organizational needs and now we coordinate with your hiring team and continue supporting to make an smooth onboarding process.

Why Choose Us?

So here are a few reasons why our valued customers choose us.

Time-to-hire is a metric that haunts many Organizations. For every day you have to spend searching for the right fit, costs mount and tension levels rise, sometimes leading to hasty decision-making that quickly backfires. Vivisoft saves time providing you with Pre-vetting candidates from our talent pool while leaving you to focus on moving your critical tech projects, and your business, forward.

Finding qualified applicants who not only meet or exceed their criteria but also make positive contributions to company culture is any organization’s eternal struggle. Searching through stacks of applicants for each needle in the haystack leaves you exhausted and demoralized. To avoid this Hiring Hurdles, Vivisoft work for YOU – providing customized staffing solutions built for your unique business needs within your budget. We have built-in army of recruiters are experts in pre-vet candidates for skill level, work ethic and culture fit and make your hiring process easy and effort less

Last August, the Society for Human Resource Management revealed the results of a survey which found that the average time-to-hire is 42 days. That can mean 42 days of lost productivity and mounting stress. A candidate who has been pre-vetted by Vivisoft can significantly decrease time to hire. When you save time by pre-vetting candidates through us, you’re saving money, too. Candidates referred by a Vivisoft are more likely to both accept a job offer and to stay in their job for a longer period of time. Faster hires with longer tenures mean less productivity loss and less stress on both your psyche and your bottom line.